Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Facebook convo with Friend X.

Friend X
Dude, thought you'd love this one. My mom posted it on Facebook earlier today.

Friend X
Random photo of horses, check. Contrived and non-specific feel-good religious message, check.

Stuart Richards
That's... breathtakingly awful. I am in awe.

Friend X
Literally laughed out loud at the horses.

Stuart Richards
Like, what are they doing there? The horses look confused too.
They're all looking at you, like "What now, crazy person?"

Friend X
They're like, "WTF are you doing to that photo? Adding a preachy acronym? Naaaay, bro. I vote naaaay."

Stuart Richards
And then they harrumph.

Friend X
Perhaps the easiest overlooked but most random thing is the copyright claim.

Stuart Richards
Good point.
I mean, when you create gold like that, you don't want someone stepping on your legal rights.

Friend X
I copyright the word faith as an acronym. Sorry. All your hopes of making a killing on tee shirts at Family Christian Bookstore are dead now.

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